Pacifica considers widening Hwy 1 near quarry

By on Fri, October 27, 2006

Pacifica is considering widening Highway 1 between Fassler and Reina del Mar Avenues, reports Chris Hunter in the Pacifica Tribune. This is roughly the stretch of road fronting the quarry [Google map]. The project would be paid for with Measure A tax money

"It certainly has complexities," said [Public Works Director Scott] Holmes. "We need a coastal permit." He said that hurdles involving wetlands, endangered species and ESHA (Endangered Species Habitat Area) all needed to be handled, but "none of them seem insurmountable. It’s a win-win if we ever do pull it off." Holmes estimated that $300,000 of Transportation Authority money has already been spent on creating the environmental documents. He said it was nowhere near completion and could still be 18 months out.
Critics of the project call it "growth inducing," which would violate the Coastal Zone Act. "One way or the other, widening is contra-indicated," said [citizen Bob Pilgrim], pointing out that widening the road to the east impacts local businesses and widening it to the west affects wetlands and endangered species habitat.