Parks for the Future meets Thursday in Princeton

Press release

By on Mon, October 22, 2007

Parks for the Future is a citizen effort to secure dedicated funding for our communities’ parks. Find out how you can help by joining coming to the organizing meeting.  The meeting will be a discussion on how Parks for the Future will assist in providing funds for possible projects on the Coast.  We will also be looking for financial support of Parks for the Future from individuals and vendors that "benefit from people, parks, and programs.

The Coastside meeting will be Thursday, October 25, 2007 7:30-9:00 PM at the  Harbor House Conference Center 346 Princeton Ave., Princeton.


Parks for the Future is a proposed increase in the sales tax by 1/8th of a cent for 25 years to secure dedicated tax-based revenues to support the parks and recreation related activities of San Mateo County, the cities located within the County, the Ladera and Highlands recreation districts and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District.  The proposal will be on a future ballot.  It is projected to cost the average person $18 per year.

The revenue, approximately $16 million per year, would be allocated to jurisdictions per a formula.  The revenue must be used for park and recreation but each jurisdiction will have the authority to spend the funds according to their need.  Funds could be spent on maintenance, operations, activities and programs, capital improvements or acquisition, and jurisdictions could vary how the money is spent over the life of the tax. Under the measure, cities and the County will be required to maintain their general fund contributions to the parks and recreation budgets.  The City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) will administer distribution of funds, auditing and reporting functions. 
For more information contact:  Julia Bott at [email protected] or 650.321.5812.