PARTY THIS SUNDAY, Sept. 26th 6:00pm : Sabrina Brennan for Harbor Commissioner


By on Mon, September 20, 2010

Dear Coastsiders,

You are invited to a Harbor Commissioner Campaign PARTY this Sunday the 26th at 6:00pm.  Please stop by ENSO in Half Moon Bay.

Join us at ENSO (art gallery, cafe, community garden and yoga studio)

Time:  Sunday, Sept. 26th at 6:00pm-8:00pm


  131 Kelly Ave.
  End of Kelly Ave, near Coastal Trail
  Half Moon Bay, CA

MAP to Enso:,+Half+Moon+Bay,+CA&sll=37.49775,-122.394188&sspn=0.242694,0.463486&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=131+Kelly+Ave,+Half+Moon+Bay,+San+Mateo,+California+94019&ll=37.465091,-122.443936&spn=0.007588,0.014484&z=17

I’m honored to announce that I have received the following endorsements:

  San Mateo County Democratic Party
  Senator Leland Yee
  National Women’s Political Caucus
  Sierra Club

Harbor Commissioner is a countywide election, every registered voter in San Mateo County is eligible to vote.  The election is November 2nd.

I hope to see you at the party on Sept. 26th at 6:00pm! 

Sabrina Brennan
for San Mateo County Harbor Commissioner