Pescadero beach walk will feature geology of the coast

By on Tue, January 24, 2006

Pescadero Conservation Alliance is holding a Geology Beach Walk   on the San Mateo Coast Saturday, February 18 at 1:30pm.

Geologic processes are responsible for shaping our changing coastline and making the San Mateo Coast a beautiful, special place. Come and join Irina Kogan of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary to find out how the San Mateo Coast fits into the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’ and take a walk on the beach to learn about local geology.

A short presentation will precede the field trip. The number of stops will depend on time and weather.

The walk will begin at a lecture/workshop is Native Sons Hall, Stage Rd, Pescadero (next to post office).  There is a $5 suggested donation per person or family. For more information, see the website of the Pescadero Conservation Alliance or contact Randy or Debbie Bennett at 650-879-0841

The following lecture will be March 18 on "Marbled Murrelets and Other Seabirds".