PG&E issues apology, prevention plan for Montara power outages

By on Tue, February 6, 2007

Pacific Gas & Electric has sent Coastsider a letter of apology to its Montara customers for its "numerous momentary and sustained power outages" in Montara.  PG&E blames debris falling from trees.  They plan the following improvements in 2007:

  • Install two overhead switches that will be use to transfer about 280 customers to another circuit, in the event of an outage along Sunshine Valley.
  • Replace 2,200 feet of overhead power lines along Sunshine Valley with special wire (tree wire) that will be more resistant to momentary outages caused by tree limbs or tree bark blowing on the power line.
  • Trim or remove additional trees at four locations along Sunshine Valley.

Click below to read the entire letter.

Dear Valued Customer: 

I’d like to personally apologize for the numerous momentary and sustained power outages you and your neighbors have endured in the Montara area.  It is our goal, at Pacific Gas and Electric Company, to provide our customers with reliable gas and electric service.   

In the case of your power outages, the main circuit providing electricity to your home or business runs through pockets of mature eucalyptus trees and areas with mature stands of Monterey cypress and pine trees.  All three species are known for long branches which can snap off even when winds are not very strong. 
The majority of the power outages you have experienced were caused by limbs, bark, or entire trees falling into the overhead conductors. Most of the outages have happened during strong winds or periods of heavy rain which saturated the soil.  The trees in your area are currently in compliance with the clearance requirements outlined in the California Public Utilities Commission, but even with regular tree trimming, falling debris or falling trees can cause power outages. 

Be assured that I am working with my team to develop a plan to try to prevent future power outages at your home.  I want to provide you with some of the details of our recent and planned activities. 

In 2006 the trees along your circuit were inspected between July 12, 2006 and August 14, 2006.  Our inspection crews identified more than 200 trees that required trimming which took place between August 4, 2006 and November 24, 2006. 

In 2007 we have scheduled your circuit for tree inspection between July 26, 2007 and September 28, 2007.  We will begin trimming trees that are hazardous immediately following the inspection.  We are also considering this circuit for a special outage reduction tree project. 
In addition to our tree trimming program, the following projects are planned in 2007 to improve reliability on your circuit: 

  • Install two overhead switches that will be use to transfer about 280 customers to another circuit, in the event of an outage along Sunshine Valley.
  • Replace 2,200 feet of overhead power lines along Sunshine Valley with special wire (tree wire) that will be more resistant to momentary outages caused by tree limbs or tree bark blowing on the power line.
  • Trim or remove additional trees at four locations along Sunshine Valley.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience during these outages.  I do appreciate your patience while we work to help prevent future outages. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mitchell Kirk, Maintenance and Construction Superintendent, at (650) 598-4670 or Andrew Donesa, Senior Distribution Engineer at (650) 598-7454. 
Robert M. Fredianelli
Director, Maintenance and Construction