Photo: Adver-barge in Shanghai

By on Tue, December 18, 2007

Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing
Cory Doctorow captured this image of what he called an "adver-barge" sailing down the Huang Pu river with a giant illuminated billboard on it. Note the giant skyscrapers in the background, also covered with illuminated advertising. Remind you of Bladerunner?

We’re seeing more of these illuminated billboards in the Bay Area.  There’s a new one next to the highway just as you get off the Bay Bridge in the East Bay.  And the grandaddy of them all in Redwood City on the 101. Now would be an excellent time for the city and county to take a new look at illuminated signs on the Coastside, including good, old-fashioned internally-illuminated plastic signs. We’re going to make an ongoing project of the "outdoor advertising" that is fighting for our attention and contributing to the shabby highway-strip aesthetics of the Coastside.