Planning Commission, Mar 24 hearing podcast


By on Sat, March 27, 2010

PODCAST Planning Commission Hearing: 3.5 hours:,_2010.html

Big Wave Project highlights from the Planning Commission Hearing:

  • Lennie Roberts comments starts 6:38 minutes into the hearing
  • Sabrina Brennan comments starts 10:44 minutes into the hearing
  • Jim Eggemeyer, Planning Director and John Nibbelin, County Counsel discussion starts 3:02:28

During the March 24, 2010 Planning Commission Hearing Jim Eggemeyer, County Planning Director informed the Planning Commissioners that the Big Wave Project developers are “collaborating” with the Planning Department by responding to 245 public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) themselves.  Eggemeyer also said that the Big Wave Project developers are unable to continue funding the environmental consultants (CAJA).

The Planning Commission Site Visit will be Monday, April 26 at 3:30pm

The Planning Commission Hearing is April 28th at 6:30pm at HMB High School.

On March 25th, Scott Holmes had the following to say in an interview with Montara Fog:

“We had an agreement with the County and we are sticking with it.”

“The only difference,” between the old process with the consultant and the new process without, “is that I will have to help more in the organization of the document. This is also the case for the County. They will have to expend considerably more time and effort to make sure their review is thorough and the final document is professionally organized.”

“While Big Wave will contribute first round responses and organization of the document,” Holmes says, “the County will have final review and authority over every aspect of the final document…all information provided by Big Wave [will] go through a ‘filter’ and review process, as the County will have final review and authority over every aspect of the final document.”

Download Planning Commission Hearing recording 3.5 hours: