Please support the initiative to save our state parks


By on Thu, January 21, 2010

A petition drive is underway to help get a statewide initiative on the November 2010 ballot to use an $18 vehicle license fee surcharge instead of the California general fund to finance State Parks. In exchange, all vehicles subject to the surcharge would be entitled to free, unlimited day use access to all 278 State Parks.

Please add your signature if you see these petitions when you are out and about and are a registered voter anywhere in California.

This is needed because State Park funding has been cut back so severely that some Parks are now closed part of the year and may be shuttered entirely. The Parks budget has become a political football. If parks close, these lands will be occupied by folks who present a serious local law enforcement challenge.

Want to help collect signatures?

If you would like to volunteer gathering petition signatures, there will be a training session this Saturday in HMB at 4pm. Other training sessions are being scheduled in the unincorporated area. Stay tuned.

Please note that all volunteers NEED TO BE TRAINED to pass these petitions. You do not need to table at specific locations. You can just gather signatures from among family, friends and neighbors.

This next training session will be this Saturday, Jan 23, at:

Bloom Lane Clubhouse            
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Bloom Lane is in HMB, one block south of Cetrellas off Main St and one block north of Arnold. Turn onto Bloom Lane and immediately turn right into the parking lot by the club house.

The petition drive will end about April 10th.