Poll workers are needed for the June 8 election


By on Sun, May 16, 2010

The County Elections office has asked me to try to find some civic minded folks who would agree to spend Election Day, June 8th working at a polling place on the Coastside. At least 6 more workers are needed, maybe more.

The hours are from 6am to 9:30 pm with two one hour breaks. The pay is $125.

There are training classes in HMB on this Sat 11am to 1pm and on next Monday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Training is mandatory. Training is also available at the Elections Office on Tower Rd in San Mateo almost every Mon - Sat up to the election.

I have been the head poll worker (Inspector) at Hatch School for the last 8 yrs and I recommend this work for anyone with the time and interest in supporting their community. Elections are very important in guaranteeing that the government is responsive to the people’s will. Please give it a try even if you haven’t ever done it before.

To volunteer, please call the election office at 650-312-5222, press "0" and ask for Iris.

If you have questions, I would be happy to chat. Give me a call at:  650-712-0498.

Dennis Paull