Potrero Nuevo Farm Open House,  Sunday


By on Thu, October 22, 2009

Potrero Nuevo Farm invites Coastside families to a free and fun Farm Open House this Sunday, October 25, from 10am-4pm. Learn about the farm and our many programs, including a CSA for 2010. It’s a family event with lots of activities - goat milking and cheese making, farm tours, compost workshop, children’s games and more. Meet the farmers and check out our produce at a market stand we’ll set up for the day. Enjoy a potluck lunch.

Potrero Nuevo Farm is located at 1045 Tunitas Creek Road, just 8 miles south of Half Moon Bay and 1 mile east of Highway 1.

More details here:http://bit.ly/PNF_OpenHouse

Irma Rodriguez Mitton