Private water systems try legislation to block public ownership

By on Wed, March 16, 2005

A law has been introduced in the California State Assembly, written by the California Water Association, which would rewrite the state’s eminent domain laws to make it far more difficult for the public to take over private water systems, according to the Monterey Herald.

The CWA represents 42 private water companies in the California, including California American Water Co.  Cal-Am owns the water system in Felton, which a local group is trying to take over. It previously owned Montara’s water system, which was taken over by the Montara and Sanitary District.

"Who else but Cal Am would propose such a change?" asked Ron Weitzman, spokesman for Monterey Friends of Locally Owned Water (FLOW), a fledgling group examining the possibility of a public takeover of Cal Am’s Peninsula water district. "The bill would be a big blow to the condemnation efforts of our local FLOW and any other group working toward the same end."