Protect our Coastal Communities: LCP update goes to supervisors, Tues


By on Fri, April 9, 2010

From Committee for Green Foothills:

At long last, after 10 years, the Update of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) for the San Mateo Midcoast, which guides local implementation of the Coastal Act, has reached its final step. 

In December, 2009, the Coastal Commission approved the Update, subject to modifications that are necessary to bring the plan into conformity with the Coastal Act.  This Tuesday, April 13, at 9:30 am, the Board of Supervisors will hear from the public whether or not to accept the Coastal Commission’s modifications. Please urge the Board of Supervisors to accept the suggested modifications, without further delay.

This is a critical time to speak up for maintaining the community character of the Midcoast communities of Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Miramar, and Princeton, and for protecting important open space and coastal resources.

Why this is important

The LCP encourages sound land management and resource protection in the face of growing population pressures on the San Mateo County Coast.  Strong LCP policies will help guide land use decisions that will ensure the livability and sustainability of our coastal communities.

What’s happening

After two years of review and analysis, the Coastal Commission unanimously approved the Midcoast LCP Amendments, subject to 72 suggested modifications to ensure that the LCP policies are consistent with the Coastal Act.  The modifications require that new development does not adversely impact coastal resources and/or public access to and along the shore, and will better protect community character and open space.

Committee for Green Foothills strongly supports the Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications that would reduce the growth rate to 40 residential units per year, prohibit new private drinking water wells in areas served by public water agencies, require traffic mitigation plans for major new developments including retirement of lots for new land divisions, and help transfer Caltrans surplus Devil’s Slide Bypass lands to the county for a future Linear Park and Trail.

CGF’s letter to the Board of Supervisors, which includes more specific recommendations, can be found here:

You can see the County Planning Staff Report here:

What you can do

Please attend the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, April 13 at 9:30 and speak up for coastal protection.  If you can’t attend their meeting, fax a brief letter or email the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors.  Urge the Board to accept the Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications.

Letters need to be received by the end of Monday, April 12.

President Rich Gordon                
FAX:  363-1856      
Email: [email protected]

Supervisor Mark Church              
FAX:  368-3012      
Email: [email protected]

Supervisor Carole Groom              
FAX: 366-6762      
Email: [email protected]

Supervisor Rose Jacobs Gibson        
FAX: 366-6720      
Email: [email protected]

Supervisor Adrienne Tissier            
FAX: 701-0564      
Email: [email protected]

Thanks for speaking up for the coast.  Your voice does make a difference!