Pt. Montara fire board open to HMBFPD outsourcing fire services

By on Thu, March 23, 2006

The Point Montara Fire Protection District board of directors met on Thursday morning, March 23 to consider consolidation and outsourcing of fire services from Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District. Point Montara currently buys fire services from Half Moon Bay and is in the process of negotiating a consolidation with the larger district.

At the meeting, outgoing HMB Chief Pete Bonano said that the San Mateo County Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCo) did not object to the outsourcing of fire services by the consolidating districts.  He also noted that he had already been approached by South County Fire Authority and California Department of Forestry about providing services.

After a short, amicable discussion, the Point Montara board passed a motion to accept Chief Bonano’s recommendation that HMBFPD investigate outsourcing of fire services, that consolidation should continue and that the Consolidation Committee should draft an request for proposal for outsourcing the fire services.