Puente Makeover on April 24, 2010


By on Fri, April 16, 2010


We need your help for Puente’s nonprofit makeover. Our challenge? 10 hours to paint the exteriors of Puente’s main office, Learning Center, Counseling spaces, and outbuildings.

Wanted: 100 volunteers to dig, paint, roll & scrape or cheer us on. No prior experience needed—only an open heart, a willing hand or two, and a good appetite for a shared meal together.

Wear your painting clothes and a hat. Dress in layers. Brushes, rollers, and shovels provided, but if you have your favorite tool, feel free to bring it along. Snacks, water & lunch provided.

This year, Puente Resource Center has been chosen by Rebuilding Together Peninsula for nonprofit makeover and we need YOUR help with painting our offices.

Our team leaders at Mediterraneo Design Center have created the plans for an extreme makeover of the exteriors of Puente’s main office, Learning Center, and Counseling Spaces. They have also found colleagues to repair gutters and install new drainage.  We need your help to make it work.

Please click on the link below to register or RSVP.

Register Now at http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e2uohqm4604201b7&oseq=a0210qfn84yl5s

We hope that you can join us. Please give me a call or email me if I can provide more information.

Thank you,
Kerry Lobel
Puente de la Costa Sur (Puente Resource Center)
[email protected]
650 879-1691 ext. 144