Body recovered at Montara State Beach


By on Sun, August 26, 2007

Barry Parr
The Sheriff's Department climbers were lowered from the cliffs above, however the recovery was handled by divers from a Harbor Patrol boat.
Barry Parr
A personal watercraft from this Harbor Patrol boat delivered the divers to the inlet.
Barry Parr
The watercraft maintained visual contact with the divers, who were with the body in the inlet (circled).
Barry Parr
Sheriff's Department climbers were on the scene as well.

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Location of the body.

Divers recovered the body at Montara State Beach, at about 12:30pm Sunday.  Two divers from State Parks and one from the Sheriff’s Department were taken to the body in a narrow inlet in the cliffs between Gray Whale Cove and Montara. The divers were delivered to the location by a personal watercraft from a Harbor Patrol boat stationed just off shore, according to Lt. Lisa Williams, who was on the scene.

The body was discovered Thursday afternoon but authorities have been unable to recover it because of dangerous surf conditions.  As I stood on the cliffs above the recover effort, I could see the surf surging into the inlet, concentrating its force as the opening narrowed.

The San Mateo County Coroner’s Office will conduct an autopsy to determine the victim’s identity and notify the next of kin.