Report to readers: Reviewing the Review


By on Thu, September 30, 2004

I’ve made it a policy not to make Coastsider about what’s wrong with the Half Moon Bay Review. I’m content to make Coastsider the best site it can possibly be and let them do whatever it is they do.

I’m making an exception this week because the Review’s report on the September 21 Half Moon Bay City Council meeting was so bizarre that their coverage has become the story.  Jeanine Gore and Debra Godshall were at the meeting, and I only saw it on tape. But in reading Wednesday’s coverage, I got the impression that we were reporting on two different meetings.

This is a big story with lots of moving parts, so I’m going to break it into pieces. I’m in good company: the Review used three stories taking up 60% of their front page for it. I’ve already run my first story, the Review’s astonishing neglect of the Oak Avenue park story.

If this is too much negativity and cynicism for you—it is for me—I recommend you go back and read my original coverage of the Oak Avenue park or my new photo album of the Moss Beach Park reconstruction.