Rock concert to stop Pacifica’s Measure L will be held Oct 6

Press release

By on Fri, September 22, 2006

Opponents of Measure L in Pacifica will hold a fundraiser/concert Friday, October 6, from 7:30 - 11pm at the Sanchez Concert Hall, 1220A Linda Mar Boulevard. The concert features blues/jam/groove band The Blue Swamis, psychedelic surf rock band Pollo del Mar, and female Rolling Stones tribute band Lick (featuring Chick Jagger), plus special guests TBA. A $20 donation is suggested, and beer, wine, soft drinks, and snacks will be served.

The fundraiser will help defeat Measure L—a permanent zoning change which would authorize 355 housing units in the Quarry, threatening environmentally-sensitive habitat and creating a commute-hour traffic nightmare for Pacifica and the Coastside. In addition to several Pacifica groups, Measure L is also opposed by the Sierra Club, Committee for Green Foothills, Greenbelt Alliance, San Mateo County League for Coastal Protection, and the Green Party of San Mateo County, among others.

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