SAMCAR seeks seniors looking for home maintenance help

Press release

By on Fri, March 4, 2011

The San Mateo County Association of REaltors is now accepting applications from seniors who would like a team of Realtors and affiliates to come to their home and perform services such as washing windows, changing furnace filters, turning over mattresses, vacuuming, changing light bulbs, replacing smoke detector batteries and other similar household tasks.

Applications can be downloaded from the SAMCAR website or picked up at the SAMCAR offices at 850 Woodside Way in San Mateo. The deadline is March 24.

Seniors will be placed with teams on a first come, first served basis. For questions, please contact Nasreen Wills, Special Events Manager at SAMCAR at 650-696-8221 or email [email protected].

RSVP is an annual week-long community outreach program that takes place each May during ?Adopt-A-Senior? Week. The program provides free assistance to qualified seniors who cannot otherwise perform certain household tasks due to physical or financial constraints.