Samtrans cuts would hurt the neediest Coastsiders, increase rush-hour traffic

By on Wed, August 5, 2009

Not only would a cut in Samtrans Route 17 put hundreds more drivers on the road daily, it will be even worse for those who don’t have the option of driving, reports the County Times.

"It would be devastating for our community if we lost the bus service — even if it’s just one route, that can’t happen. People are losing their jobs. They need to have flexibility to look for work, or to get another job at different hours. They need to get from point A to point B throughout the day," said Fatima Soares, executive director of Coastside hope, a local nonprofit and resource center. When clients visit her agency to pick up emergency food for their families, they usually take route 17.

Others were even more blunt.

"Coastside communities have worked for a decade to get basic services. Cutting the only route (that serves Pescadero) is cutting a lifeline. People might as well put a wall up between Pescadero and Half Moon Bay because people won’t be able to get to work," said Kerry Lobel of Puente de la Costa Sur, a Pescadero-based nonprofit group.

Samtrans will be holding a meeting to discuss cuts in Coastside service 6pm Thursday, Aug 6, at Cunha Intermediate School.

Even Coastsiders who never ride the bus have a stake in this issue.