San Jose developer interested in Rockaway Quarry in Pacifica

By on Mon, March 14, 2011

Pacifica Riptide has confirmed that Barry Swenson Builder is interested in the Rockaway Quarry, most recently the graveyard of the dreams of R. Donohue Peebles.

Then on March 11 we posted an email (below) sent to a local contact, confirming that Barry Swenson Builder of San Jose has an eye on the quarry.

Date: Friday, March 11, 2011, 2:42 PM

It is the 88 acre site. I would love to schedule a sit down with you. I will be back after the 21st. Christy, Jessie and I will all be leading this project and we cant wait to get your full perspective. Are you available on the afternoon of the 21st? Thanks, Jessie

Jessie O’Malley
Senior Development Manager - BARRY SWENSON BUILDER
777 N. 1st Street, 5th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112