San Mateo County one-day homeless census needs volunteers

Press release

By on Wed, January 12, 2011

On Thursday, January 27, 2011, the County of San Mateo Human Services Agency will conduct the biennial One Day Homeless Census and Survey. The census is a federal requirement which is also a key component of the HOPE ten-year plan to end homelessness, and will provide us with an increased understanding of both the number of homeless individuals and families in this county and their individual and collective needs.

Why is the PIT Count Important? Collecting good data on the number, characteristics, and service needs of individuals, families, and unaccompanied children experiencing homelessness is a critical component of local homeless planning and program development. Accurate data helps communities to:

  • Understand changes in trends among homeless populations;
  • Adjust the types of programs and services available according to need and use resources as efficiently as possible;
  • Justify requests for additional resources and/or programming modifications;
  • Comply with reporting requirements from HUD, other funders, and local stakeholders;
  • Raise public awareness about the issue of homelessness; and
  • Measure community progress towards preventing and ending homelessness.

Coastside training will be Wednesday, Jan 19, in Half Moon Bay:

Half Moon Village
Community Center
9 Bloom Lane
Half Moon Bay, CA
Wednesday, January 19, 6:30 to 8:30pm


Nationally, the PIT count process will be used as the primary data source for federal agencies to understand homelessness trends and track progress against the goals and objectives contained in Opening Doors, the Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness.

The primary count will occur between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM on January 27th, with any remaining tracts to be completed on the morning of January 29.

We are seeking volunteers to assist us with the street census by serving as Street Enumerators.  Training session dates, times, and locations to follow soon.

If you would like to assist us as a volunteer, please contact Tish Birkby at the Center on Homelessness, [email protected] or (650) 802-7656.  Please also note the area of the county (North, Central, South, Coastside) you would prefer to be placed.