San Mateo County Times applauds POST’s deal with Aratas

By on Sat, January 1, 2005

The San Mateo County Times has an editorial today extolling the deal that John and Clarence Arata made with the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST).

We applaud POST’s mission, admire the agreement they reached with the Aratas and urge those among    us who have the means to help this worthy group prosper in its goal to keep our open lands open.

We’re fortunate to have neighbors like the Aratas and allies like POST who see the Coastside as something worth preserving, and not as a collection of unexploited opportunities.  The County Times’s excellent article on the Aratas was a rare bit attention for the coast by the Bayside media. And it’s great to see them put their editorial columns behind the preservation of open space on this side of the hill.