Scenic Drive in La Honda is falling apart

By on Thu, March 31, 2005

Cathy Whitney, La Honda Fire Dept.
Cathy Whitney, La Honda Fire Dept.
Cathy Whitney, La Honda Fire Dept.
Cathy Whitney, La Honda Fire Dept.
Cathy Whitney, La Honda Fire Dept.
Cathy Whitney, La Honda Fire Dept.

On Tuesday night, the La Honda Fire Brigade got a call from a concerned citizen who said that that in the Cuesta La Honda Sub-division in La Honda was too dangerous to pass over.  A fissure had opened up about 50 yards above a land movement that had occurred in 1998 as a result of an El Niño-driven storm.

The 1998 land movement ultimately resulted in the destruction or removal of nine homes.

During recent rains the land started to move again. New fissures were seen developing a few weeks ago. At that time SMCO Public Works made temporary repairs to Scenic Drive so that it could remain passable.

At about 6:30 Tuesday night the La Honda Fire Brigade received the call. This new fissure extends under a home at 230 Scenic, a home that was basically untouched by the 1989 incident.  After consultation with a Sheriff’s Deputy at scene the Fire Brigade requested San Mateo County Public Works to again close the road.

Over the night there was additional movement in this slide to the point where the road is buckled in numerous places, a 6-inch water main separated and was forced to the surface of the road. The rear deck of the home at 230 Scenic is being pulled away from the house.

The Fire Department has requested that San Mateo County building inspectors evaluate the homes on the perimeter of the slide as well as the home that is now partially inside the slide. Utility lines near the intersection of Scenic and Canada Vista are also sagging as a result of the movement of an electric pole. PG&E has been requested to the scene.

All pictures were taken on March 30 at about 7pm.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is an edited version of a press release from Larry Whitney of the La Honda Fire Department.