Search-and-rescue boat’s passengers seriously injured at Mavericks

By on Fri, February 17, 2006

Several people were seriously injured when a Pillar Point Harbor search-and-rescue boat was whacked by a "rogue wave" on its way to provide coverage for Mavericks last week, reports the County Times.

Of the six passengers, harbor administrator Shari Chapin suffered the greatest injuries. The weight of the fall threw her against the side of the boat, breaking her jaw in three places and knocking out many of her teeth, according to Harbor District Commissioner Sally Campbell. She said the doctors had put two plates in Chapin’s jaw and wired it shut.

Harbor Patrolman Don Coates suffered a compressed spine. Half Moon Bay Fire Department paramedic Chuck Wise badly bruised his ribs. They were taken to Stanford Hospital and are recovering. Draper’s brother, James Draper, and another paramedic escaped without serious injuries.