Sharp Park educational forum in Pacifica, tonight

Press release

By on Thu, March 31, 2011

Supporters of restoring Sharp Park to a natural state are presenting the results of their research at an education forum in Pacifica. The event will be held at Pacifica Public Library, 104 Hilton Way, Pacifica, at 6:30pm tonight, Thursday, March 31.

Independent scientists and engineers with unparalleled expertise in Bay Area coastal and aquatic ecology, hydrology, coastal engineering and ecosystem restoration have prepared a conceptual plan for the future of Sharp Park. Discussion will include several key points:

  • Beach preservation – How do we save the beach at Sharp Park?
  • Flood Control – How do we best protect our communities from flooding?
  • Sea level rise – How will sea level rise affect Sharp Park?
  • Species Protection – What is the best way to coexist with the park’s endangered species?
  • History – What was Laguna Salada like prior to development?
  • Cost – What will it cost?

The authors of the report, Pacifica resident Bob Battalio of the environmental consulting firm ESA PWA, coastal ecologist Dr. Peter Baye, and coastal herpetologist Dawn Reis, will present the findings of their year long investigation. The authors will provide information and perspective intended to facilitate wise management of Laguna Salada, Sharp Park.

The report was supported by the Rose foundation for communities and environment, and was commissioned by Wild Equity and the Center for Biological Diversity.