Sheriff’s blotter, April 28

3100 block of CloverdalePescadero
Outside agency assist
Deputy dispatched to assist an outside law enforcement agency serve a warrant on a subject that resides in Pescadero. The man was taken into custody without incident.
4100 block of N. Cabrillo HMB
23152(A)VC-23152(B)VC-DUIMisdemeanor warrants14601.1(A)VC-Drive with suspended license
Deputy on patrol observed vehicle driving to the far right of the lane, over the fog lines, and with expired registration. The Deputy performed a traffic stop and found the driver appeared to be intoxicated, wanted on two warrants, and driving on a suspended license. She failed field sobriety tests and was arrested and transported to First Chance.
Male age 23 of HMB
N Cabrillo @ San Mateo Rd HMB
243(E)(1)PC-Battery on spouse273A(A)PC-Child endangerment
Deputies responded to report of domestic violence in progress, when the reporting party witnessed a man slamming a female driver’s head into a windshield, while the couple was driving with two young children in the vehicle. Deputies located the suspect vehicle and observed the male pushing the victim’s head against the window. The victim had no visible injuries or complaints of pain, and the suspect denied hitting the woman, however the children in vehicle verified the reporting party’s account of domestic violence. The suspect was arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 21 of HMB
400 block of Grove HMB
Found property
Found property report
300 block of Capistrano Rd Princeton
647(F)PC- Public intoxication 849(B)(2)PC- Released from custody
Deputy on patrol observed female subject lying face down in front of the entrance to a bar. The woman was determined to be too intoxicated to care for herself, and was arrested and transported to SM County Jail, to be released when sober.
Female age 48 of Pacifica
2300 block of Carlos Ave Moss Beach
DUI turnover
Deputy dispatched to report of reckless driver who was passing on both sides and driving off the shoulder of the road. The Deputy did a traffic stop and found the driver appeared to be intoxicated. CHP arrived on scene to complete the DUI investigation and subsequent arrest.
0-100 block of Redwood Terrace La Honda
240-242- Assault and battery 602.5PC- Trespassing
Deputy dispatched to report of a physical fight between landlord and tenant. The victim reported he was moving out of his residence and was doing a “walk through” with the landlord. The victim attempted to record the walk through on his cell phone, when the landlord became angry and tried to knock the phone out of the victim’s hands. The landlord then threw an item he was returning to the tenant, which hit the tenant in the hand, and a physical altercation ensued. The suspect refused to come out of his residence to give the Deputy his version of the incident. The victim sustained a minor abrasion to the elbow, and a broken pair of eyeglasses. The case will be forwarded to the DA for review on charges of assault and trespassing, since the landlord removed a belonging of the tenant’s from the rental unit without his consent.
0-100 block of Valencia HMB
166.4PC- Disobey court order
Deputy dispatched to report of possible restraining order violation, when the restrained party came to the protected party’s residence and had a dispute over items of his she was selling in a garage sale. The case will be forwarded to the DA for review.
2600 block of N. Cabrillo HMB
Misdemeanor warrant
Deputy on patrol performed traffic stop on vehicle with expired registration, and found the driver to be wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of Nevada City. He was cited and released on his promise to appear in court.
Male age 39 of Clear Lake
400 block of Sonora El Granada
13700PC- Domestic disturbance
Domestic disturbance
1500 block of Spinnaker HMB
594(B)(2)(A)PC- Vandalism
Deputy dispatched to report of vandalism to a vehicle, when someone slashed one tire, and punctured another tire of the victim’s vehicle. Investigation revealed a neighbor/acquaintance had damaged the vehicle, and had been seen running from the driveway. The suspect was contacted and admitted to committing the crime, after an argument she had with the victim. The woman was cited and released on her promise to appear in court.
Female age 54 of HMB
S. Cabrillo @ Grove St HMB
11-82- Traffic collision
Traffic collision-property damage only
Iris @ Rose Un-incorporated
25400(C)(3)PC- Concealed firearm; criminal street gang 186.22PC- Participate criminal street gang 11351HS- Possession narcotics for sale 11550(A)HS- Under influence controlled substance 273(A)PC- Child endangerment
Deputy made contact with subject known to be on probation, with search and seizure conditions. A search of the suspect’s vehicle revealed 18.9 grams of cocaine, approximately 200 baggies, and a handgun. The subject was determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance, while driving a three year old child in his vehicle. He was arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 29 of HMB
800 block of Francisco El Granada
368(B)(1)PC- Cruelty/endanger elderly
Deputy dispatched to medical call involving a “Life Line” activation, and found an elderly female fall victim. The woman did not remember activating the Life Line system. She was found to be home alone and unable to care for herself, and was transported to a hospital for medical care. The report will be forwarded to Adult Protective Services.
SB SR1 S/O Tunnel Un-incorporated
23152(A)VC- DUI; causing injury DUI turnover 11-80- Traffic collision
Deputy dispatched to report of intoxicated driver, and as the Deputy responded he was informed that a collision had occurred involving the suspect vehicle. The suspect was found behind the wheel of his vehicle, and appeared intoxicated. A driver and passenger in the other vehicle were transported to a hospital. CHP arrived on scene to complete the DUI arrest.
8100 block of Cabrillo HwyMontara
460(B)PC-Burglary from vehicle
Deputies dispatched to report of auto burglary, when unknown suspect(s) broke the vehicle’s window and took a laptop and backpack. The case will be forwarded to the Detective Bureau for investigation
4200 block of N. Cabrillo HMB
460(B)PC-Burglary from vehicle
Deputy took report of auto burglary, when unknown suspect(s) broke the window of a vehicle and took a rain jacket and groceries. The case will be forwarded to the Detective Bureau for investigation.
8400 block of Cabrillo HwyMontara
Deputies dispatched to report of intoxicated subject trying to put gas into his vehicle. The subject was contacted and appeared to be under the influence. He admitted to having been drinking at a bar in Half Moon Bay, and running out of gas as he was driving home. He failed field sobriety tests and was arrested and transported to First Chance.
Male age 58 of Pacifica
Maidenhair Walk @ Miramontes Pt Rd HMB
DUI Turnover
Deputy on patrol observed vehicle with both taillights out and performed traffic stop. The driver appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, and CHP arrived on scene to complete the investigation and subsequent arrest.
Harte @ Sunshine Valley Rd Montara
23152(A)VC- 23152(B)VC- DUI
Driver arrested for driving under the influence.
Female age 53 of Moss Beach
Cabrillo Hwy @ Gazos Creek Rd Pescadero
10851VC- Stolen vehicle
Deputy took report of the theft of a sign board trailer. A bar that had been padlocked to secure the trailer was found in the nearby bushes. The trailer was valued at $5,000.
0-100 block of Mirmontes Pt Rd HMB
11-81- Traffic collision
Traffic collision-minor injury
200 block of Myrtle HMB
Deputy took report of vandalism, when unknown suspect(s) broke the victim’s mailbox, valued at approximately $100.
400 block of Main St HMB
Deputy dispatched to report of vandalism to a vehicle, when unknown suspect’s scratched a word into the paint of the victim’s vehicle.
North Cabrillo Hwy @ Kehoe HMB
11-80 Traffic collision
Traffic Collision-major injury
2100 block of Vallemar Moss Beach
14601.1(A) VC- Drive with suspended license
Driver cited for driving with a suspended license.
Male age 44 of San Bruno
500 block of Francisco St. El Granada
Missing person locate
Deputy located missing person out of Pacifica.
South Cabrillo Hwy @ Main HMB
11-81- Traffic collision
Traffic collision-minor injury
600 block of Vallejo St El Granada
Information report
Deputy responded to an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking issues.
200 block of Butano Cut off Pescadero
Missing Juvenile/ Returned Juvenile
Deputy took report of a runaway seventeen year old male juvenile, who returned home a few hours later.
South Cabrillo Hwy @ Wavecrest Rd. HMB
Misdemeanor warrant 148.9(A) PC False ID to peace officer
Deputy on patrol initiated a traffic stop. The driver gave the Deputy a false name, and after further investigation the driver was found to be wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of Santa Clara County. The subject was arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 26 of HMB
Cabrillo Hwy @ Virginia Moss Beach
14601.2(A)VC- Drive with suspended license
Driver cited for driving with a suspended license.
Male age 18 of HMB
500 block of Purisima St. HMB
Misdemeanor warrant
Deputy made contact with subject wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of San Mateo County. Subject was cited and release with a new court date.
Male age 27 of HMB
500 block of Purisima St. HMB
Misdemeanor warrant
Deputy made contact with subject wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of Santa Cruz County. Subject was cited and released with a new court date.
Male age 27 of HMB
N. Cabrillo @ Young Ave HMB
23152(A)VC- 23152(B)VC- DUI
Deputy on patrol initiated a traffic stop and found the driver appeared to be under the influence. The subject was arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 27 of HMB
400 block of Myrtle HMB
Deputy took report of vandalism to a vehicle, when unknown suspect(s) smashed the window of a pickup’s camper shell.
04/17 1106-1348
500 block of Kelly Ave HMB
Suspicious circumstance
Deputies dispatched to report of a suspicious device in the middle of the roadway. The device was constructed of PVC pipe with a metal hose clamp, and string coming out of it, resembling a pipe bomb. Nearby schools and businesses were notified to shelter in place. The Sheriff’s bomb squad arrived on scene and determined the item to be a home made device that held paint brushes and paint thinner, which apparently fell from the back of a passing work truck.
300 block of Purissima HMB
236PC-False imprisonment240-242PC-Assault and battery
Deputies dispatched to report of juvenile male assaulting his grandmother. The victim reported her grandson assaulted her and prevented her from calling 911. The juvenile was arrested and transported to the Youth Services Center.
WMJ age 14 of HMB
0-100 block of Miramontes Pt Rd HMB
Information report
Deputy dispatched to report of an intoxicated male juvenile who had exposed his private parts to a club employee after refusing to pay the pool entry fee for his friends. The juvenile then began using foul language, and was asked to leave the property. His parent was contacted and she advised her son would not be allowed to return to the club. The juvenile was left in the care of his parent.
700 block of Railroad Ave HMB
488PC-Petty theft
Deputy took report of the theft of a statue from the front of a residence. The loss was estimated at $100.
200 block of RedwoodUn-incorporated
Coroner’s case
Coroner’s case
400 block of 5thMontara
Missing juvenile
Deputy took report of runaway 17 year-old female, whose parent was concerned she might be with an adult she does not know very well. The juvenile’s information was entered into the missing persons’ system.
4200 block of N. Cabrillo HMB
113579A)HS-Possession concentrate cannabisFelony warrant
Depupty on patrol observed vehicle with high beams on and performed traffic stop. The driver was found to be wanted on a felony warrant out of San Mateo County, and was found in possession of hashish. The subject was arrested on the warrant and the report will be forwarded to the DA for review on additional charge of possession of hashish.
Male age 45 of Redwood City
Tunitas Creek Rd @ SR1 Un-incorporated
Misdemeanor warrant
Deputies stopped to perform welfare check on subjects in a vehicle parked on side of roadway late at night. A passenger was found to be wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of Berkeley, and was arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 53 of Hudson, IA
400 block of Kelly Ave HMB
647(F)PC- Public intoxication 849(B)(2)PC- Released from custody 13700PC- Domestic disturbance
Deputies dispatched to a domestic disturbance, found one party to be intoxicated, uncooperative and hostile to both his wife and to the Deputies. He was arrested for public intoxication and transported to SM County Jail, to be released when sober.
Male age 49 of HMB
Main St @ San Mateo Rd HMB
11-81- Traffic collision
Traffic collision-minor injury
500 block of Valencia El Granada
Information report
Deputy took report of attempted scam, when the victim received a call from a company asking him to withdraw $4000 from his bank account and to call back after he did. The victim did not make the withdrawal, but called the Sheriff’s office instead to report the incident.
100 block of Main HMB
Found property
Found property report
200 block of Valdez HMB
Information report
Deputy took informational report when a parent advised her teenager’s online gaming account was compromised. The juvenile advised he was kicked out of gaming because he was reported as a “harasser” when an unknown person accessed his account. He was provided a new account by the company.
Pilarcitos Creek Trail HMB
Misdemeanor warrant
Deputy made contact with subject wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of San Mateo County. He was cited and released on his promise to appear in court.
Male age 56 Transient
700 block of Arnold HMB
Deputy took report of vandalism to a vehicle, when the victim reported unknown suspect(s) punctured the tire of her vehicle.
900 block of Main St HMB
Coroner’s case
Coroner’s case
600 block of Ave CabrilloEl Granada
13700PC-Domestic disturbance647(F)PC-Public intoxication
Deputies dispatched to report of domestic disturbance that was determined to be verbal only. The male party was intoxicated and became uncooperative and belligerent. He was arrested for public intoxication and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 44 of El Granada
12000 block of San Mateo Rd HMB
647(F)PC- Public intoxication 849(B)(2)PC- Released from custody
Deputies dispatched to report of intoxicated subject walking in the roadway. The subject was located and determined to be too intoxicated to care for himself. He was arrested and transported to SM County Jail, to be released when sober.
Male age 55 of HMB
100 block of Los Banos Moss Beach
243(E)(1)PC- Battery on spouse
Deputies dispatched to report of domestic violence, when the female victim reported her husband assaulted her during an argument, leaving a visible mark but no complaint of pain. The male subject was determined to be under the influence of alcohol at the time, and was arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 44 of Moss Beach
700 block of Sierra St Moss Beach
422PC- Threats 460(A)PC- Residential burglary 646.9(A)PC- Stalking 652M(A)PC- Annoying/harassing phone calls 11350(A)HS- Possession narcotic controlled substance
Deputy dispatched to meet with female juvenile and her parent, who reported a subject known to the juvenile, was leaving threatening and harassing texts and voice messages, which were confirmed to be threatening in nature. The suspect was also reported to have come to her home and try to contact her through her bedroom window, causing damage to the window screen, and leaving pry marks. The suspect was located and positively identified by the victim. During his arrest, the subject was found in possession of an unlabeled prescription bottle, with several mixed types of prescription medications. He was transported to San Mateo County Jail.
Male age 22 of Unincorporated SM County
400 block of Kelly Ave HMB
594(B)(2)(A)PC- Vandalism
Deputy took report of vandalism when the victims reported finding graffiti on their garage door. Another neighboring house was also found to have similar graffiti on the garage door.
400 block of Virginia Moss Beach
Misdemeanor warrant
Deputy made contact with subject wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of Pacifica. He was cited and released on his promise to appear in court.
Male age 25 of Moss Beach
400 block of Virginia Moss Beach
Misdemeanor warrant
Deputy made contact with subject wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of San Mateo County. He was cited and released on his promise to appear in court.
Male age 25 of Moss Beach
Main @ San Mateo Rd HMB
14601.1(A)VC- Drive with suspended license
Driver cited for driving with a suspended license.
Maleo age 26 of Suisun City
Johnson Pier Princeton
Vehicle tow
Vehicle tow-expired registration
N. Cabrillo Hwy @ Spindrift HMB
11-81- Traffic collision
Traffic collision-minor injury
Johnson Pier Princeton
Vehicle tow
Vehicle tow-abandoned vehicle
04/12 0100-0110
100 block of Carmel El Granada
594(B)(2)(A)PC- Vandalism
Deputy on patrol found two loose dogs, and contacted the owner. The owner advised an unknown suspect apparently kicked his fence, causing two boards to dislodge, allowing the dogs to get out.
2900 block of Pescadero Creek Rd Pescadero
602(H)PC- Trespass
Deputy dispatched to report of unwanted subject who had set up a camp on private property, but was not currently there. A report was taken to document the incident, and the reporting party advised to post “no trespassing” signs, and to call again if the subject returned.
400 block of Cypress Ave Moss Beach
Misdemeanor warrant
Deputy made contact with subject wanted on a misdemeanor warrant out of San Mateo County. He as arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male age 49 of Moss Beach
2300 block of La Honda Rd La Honda
Information report
Deputy dispatched to report of possible restraining order violation and trespass. It was not determined that a crime had occurred and a report was taken to document the incident.
4400 Coast Hwy Pacifica
Courtesy report
Deputy took courtesy report for outside law enforcement agency, when the victim believed his ATM account information was obtained at a gas station, and used to make numerous charges totally $797.66. The bank requested the victim make a police report and issued him a new account.
La Honda Substation La Honda
Felony warrant
Subject wanted on two warrants out of Santa Clara County and Santa Clara PD, came to the substation to self surrender. He was arrested and transported to SM County Jail.
Male Age 44 Of La Honda
Ave Alhambra @ Ferdinand El Granada
14601.1(A)VC- Drive with suspended license
Driver cited for driving with a suspended license.
Male Age 54 of Richmond
400 block of Capistrano Rd Princeton
647(F)PC- Public intoxication 849(B)(2)PC- Released from custody
Deputies dispatched to report of intoxicated and unruly patron, who was located in the restroom of a bar. The woman was determined to be too intoxicated to care for herself and was arrested for public intoxication and transported to SM County Jail, to be released when sober.
Male age 51 of Unincorporated SM County