Sheriff’s Report: Dec 16 to 22

Someone was shooting cyclists and vehicles with orange paint balls on Tunitas Creek Road, houses were burglarized in Moss Beach and El Granada, a car was stolen from Costanoa and later found sans radio.
Incident Report
12/15/10 @ 1245 hours
5600 block of Tunitas Creek Road
On 12-12-2010 at approximately 1245 hours, the victim was bicycling at the 5600 block of Tunitas Creek Road. An unknown white SUV drove by the victim and someone in the vehicle shot an orange paint ball at the victim, hitting her on the left buttock. The victim suffered a bruise on her buttock.
Incident Report
12/15/10 @ 1330 hours
Cabrillo Hwy / Tunitas Creek Road
On 12-12-2010 at approximately 1330 hours, the victim was driving north on the Cabrillo Highway at Tunitas Creek Road. An unknown white SUV traveling south on the Cabrillo Highway drove by the victim and someone in the vehicle shot an orange paint ball at the victim’s vehicle hitting it on the driver’s side rear passenger door.
Residential Burglary
15/15/10 @ 0700 hours
400 block of California Ave, Moss Beach
On 12/14/2010, between the hours of 0700 and 2200, an unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s residence through an unlocked sliding door. The unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s laptop computer and external hard drive and left the scene undetected. The victim estimated the total loss to be 600.00 dollars.
12/16/10 @ 1840 hours
200 block of Vallejo St., El Granada
The victim reported that her lawnmower was stolen from her driveway sometime between 12/12/10 and 1216/10 at 0800 hours. The victim believes the lawnmower may have been taken by a subject named Luis who operates a recycling service that dropped off flyers in the neighborhood. The flyers instructed residents to leave items on their doorstep or on their driveway for pick up. The lawnmower is valued at $400.00.
12/16/10 @ 1805 hours
Avenue Balboa / Columbus St., El Granada
Deputies were flagged down by a motorist who told them that someone had just run into the back of his vehicle while he was waiting to make a turn. He followed the vehicle and flagged down the Deputies who contacted the subject. There was fresh paint transfer on the subject’s vehicle. The subject was found to be driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. He was arrested and taken to the county jail.
Stolen Vehicle
12/16/10 @ 2230 hours
2000 block of Rossi Road, Pescadero
On 12/16/10 at approximately 1400 hours, the victim parked his vehicle in the southwest parking lot of the Costanoa Camp Grounds. The vehicle was left unlocked with the keys in the front driver’s side door panel. When the victim returned to his vehicle he discovered that it was not there. The following day the vehicle was found south of Ano Nuevo State Reserve. The radio was ripped out and the inside of the vehicle was torn apart.
Residential Burglary
12/18/10 @ 2130 hours
900 block of Sonora Ave., El Granada
Unknown suspect entered the victim’s home via an unlocked bathroom window and took numerous pieces of jewelry and 2 potable computers.
12/18/10 @ 2039 hours
500 block of Ferdinand Ave., El Granada
Deputies responded to Ferdinand Avenue on the report of a female subject making harassing phone calls and leaving pornographic photographs on the victim’s vehicle. The suspect was later contacted and arrested for being in possession of a controlled substance, possession of controlled substance paraphernalia, and making harassing phone calls. She was transported and booked into the Maguire Correctional Facility.
Residential Burglary
12/19/10 @ 1100 hours
9000 Cabrillo Hwy, Moss Beach
Unknown suspects entered through the victim’s unlocked sliding glass door and stole her laptop computer and other miscellaneous items. The victim estimated the total approximate value of the stolen items at $2530.00.