Letter: Spanish Immersion waitlist: Parents rallying for change

Letter to the editor

By on Sat, April 26, 2008

I am the parent of a child on the waitlist for the popular Spanish Immersion program at Hatch Elementary.

Desite the fact that a third Kindergarten classroom was added last year to meet the demand, there are a total of 30 families on the list again this year. 

This is an innovative and successful program that is obviously in demand by parents on the coast. As wait-listed parents, we are banding together to approach the district to request further expansion. We would like to reach out to other parents on the wait list to offer them the opportunity to be a part of our effort.

Our first organizing meeting is on Wed, April 30th at 6:30 pm in Half Moon Bay. If your child is on the list and you’d like to participate or simply be kept up to date on our activities,  .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).