State Parks seeks Coastside volunteers

Press release

By on Sun, January 25, 2009

Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge of nature and history? California State Parks is looking for new volunteers interested in helping at two parks in the San Mateo Coast Sector: the Pescadero Marsh Natural Preserve and Half Moon Bay State Beach.  Volunteers may choose to help in either or both of the parks. Free training for new volunteers will begin in late February.  Volunteers receive passes for free parking at nearby state parks. Volunteering for parks is a great way to learn new things, share your knowledge with your neighbors, and make new friends!



Pescadero Marsh is one of the few remaining coastal wetlands south of San Francisco.  It is an important layover point for birds migrating along the Pacific Flyway and is home to a variety of plants and animals, including nesting great blue herons and the endangered red-legged frog and San Francisco garter snake.  Volunteers are trained in the history and ecology of the marsh, becoming experts in the evolution of the marsh, various marsh habitats, and the plants, animals, and birds that are found in the marsh. Trained docent/volunteers perform many functions, including leading guided walks, acting as roving naturalists answering visitors’ questions, presenting programs for school groups, contributing to research projects, and creating and maintaining trails and interpretive displays.

Half Moon Bay State Beach volunteers operate a visitor center with displays on various cultural and natural aspects of park units in the San Mateo Coast Sector.  They answer visitors’ questions, interpret displays, and sell books and other educational materials.  They also help with special events that occur in the park.  Volunteers may also choose to receive additional training to help develop and present special programs for park visitors and for students in their classrooms and in the park.

The first class for new state park volunteers will be held on Tuesday, February 10, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the Half Moon Bay State Beach Ranger Station, 95 Kelly Ave, in Half Moon Bay. Additional classes on the individual park units and the history and natural history of the San Mateo coast will be held at intervals on Tuesday evenings into the spring.  There will be a few daytime field trips scheduled in the spring, as well. Volunteers are asked to contribute eight hours per month after training is completed. Co-sponsored by California State Parks and San Mateo Coast Natural History Association.?

To register for volunteer training or for more information, call Ranger Nelle Lyons at (650) 726-8804, voice mailbox 7#, or e-mail [email protected]