Struggle for HMB coffee and chai shop continues

By on Mon, January 29, 2007

The Chronicle has a nice story on the struggle by customers of Coastside Gourmet Coffee and Chai to save a local Coastside institution.

"He makes the best chai this side of Jaipur," said Kathy Rehm, referring to India’s fabled Pink City. "You ain’t going to get the likes of that at Peet’s, I tell you that."

Teens from Half Moon Bay High School throng the shop after class, hanging out, doing their homework and seeking advice from Bechar and his son, Raj, a teacher at nearby Cunha Intermediate School. A local hardware store worker and an aging surfer swap tales with techies and real estate types under Tibetan prayer flags and the watchful eye of the Dalai Lama, whose photo is perched above the counter.

More than a dozen customers have vowed to appear at next Tuesday’s city council meeting.