Supervisors give MCTV what it asked for

Why wait till Wednesday?

By on Tue, April 11, 2006

NOTE: In all the excitement last week, we didn’t get a chance to post this earlier.

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to give MCTV what it has been asking for. At its Tuesday, April 4 meeting, the board voted to approve the extension of the Comcast cable franchise, allocate to MCTV an amount equal to what Coastsiders will pay in franchise fees during the 15 years of the contract, and require Comcast to continue its agreement with MCTV as part of the franchise agreement.

In a press release MCTV president Connie Malach wrote, "These actions by the Board of Supervisors fulfill all the requests that MCTV made to the Supervisors."