Supervisors return to Local Coastal Program on Tuesday

By on Fri, June 3, 2005

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will return to the proposed revisions to the county’s Local Coastal Program on Tuesday, June 7 at 10am.  The public is invited and welcome to comment. It’s not too late to make your voice heard on this important issue.

In preparation for the meeting, the Board has released a revised version of their guiding principles for evaluating the LCP changes [PDF of principles]. The principles are vague enough to encompass pretty much anything Supervisors decide to do.

While it recognizes the unique environment of the Coastside, it contains a clear recognition of "private property rights", without making clear whether it envisions greater protections than those afforded by the US Constitution regarding "takings".

In a letter the Board of Supervisors, Coastsider Chuck Kozak recommends the supervisors look to the California Coastal Act for principles:

I find [the draft principles] to be well-intentioned, but repetitive of existing policy and uncharacteristically indeterminate in addressing issues specific to development and resource preservation in the Coastal Zone. ... I will repeat my recommendations from your April 13 hearing that you consider adopting as guiding principles the findings and declarations expressed in Section 30001 of the California Coastal Act

Kozak’s detailed letter is worth reading.

The meeting will be in the Board of Supervisors chambers, Hall of Justice and Records, 400 County Center in Redwood City. The meeting will be broadcast the following Monday, June 13, at 10am.