Support local youth and the arts! Walk with us starting May 27th.
Enjoy the 2011 Half Moon Bay Art Walk.
The Third Annual Art Walk will be held in downtown Half Moon Bay May 27th to June 5th. So, come downtown, stroll along Main Street and adjoining Avenues and enjoy the beautiful children’s art. Art will be proudly displayed in windows and shops downtown, in participating businesses along Main St., Kelly Ave., and Purissima St.
The Art Walk celebrates the creativity of elementary school children in the Art In Action programs at Hatch, El Granada, and Farallone View Elementary schools.
It is made possible through the combined efforts of teachers, students, parents, and our generous downtown merchants, who are so supportive about displaying the artworks in their shops.
The Art in Action program is evidence of the strong commitment Coastside parents have to bringing art education to our children. It is funded, largely, by the PTO’s at each school, and run by parent volunteers. Our parent “docents” receive special training in delivering pre-established art lessons to students, then commit to teaching these lessons in the classrooms.
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to support our young artists and see their fabulous work.