Surfrider meeting focuses on protecting special marine areas, Monday Sept 24

Press release

By on Tue, September 18, 2007

Ocean enthusiasts and members of the public are invited to attend an upcoming general interest meeting of the Surfrider Foundation San Mateo County Chapter

Straw Hat Pizza, 549 Oceana Boulevard, Pacifica, CA 94044
Monday, September 24, 2007, 7:30 pm

Marine biologist Bob Breen, a member of the North Central Coast Regional Stakeholder Group appointed by the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) to assist in the second phase of implementing the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA).

San Mateo County Chapter general interest meetings are a place to hear from remarkable speakers on interesting or hot topics in a comfortable setting. Attendees will meet like-minded individuals, contribute to the discussion, and learn more about the issues and challenges that face our coast and ocean. 

At this meeting, attendees will learn how to become involved in the MLPA Initiative, upcoming San Mateo County chapter activities, volunteer opportunities and community events, as well as the role of the chapter to safeguard and enhance the quality of surfriding environments and public access to such areas, and to educate the public regarding the importance of the oceans’ waves as recreational resources and the need to preserve surfriding sites for future generations.

Mr. Breen will discuss the second phase of the MLPA Initiative in developing a suite of networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) and completing a regional profile, including an evaluation of existing MPAs within the MLPA North Central Coast Study Region (bounded by Alder Creek in Mendocino County, just north of Point Arena, and Pigeon Point in San Mateo County).  MPAs are discrete geographic marine or estuarine areas designed to protect or conserve marine life and habitat.  There are three types of MPAs: state marine reserve, state marine park, and state marine conservation area, each with different rules about what activities can or cannot be done within each.

The MLPA was enacted in the state of California in October 1999, and requires that the CDFG "develop a plan for establishing networks of marine protected areas in California waters to protect habitats and preserve ecosystem integrity, among other things."  As a member of the stakeholder group, Mr. Breen is involved in helping to redesign California’s system of marine protected areas -more- to increase its coherence and effectiveness in protecting the state’s marine life and habitats, marine ecosystems, and marine natural heritage, as well as to improve recreational, educational and study opportunities provided by marine ecosystems.

There is no cost to attend the meeting, although donations will be accepted to help benefit the San Mateo County Chapter’s Blue Water Task Force water quality monitoring program.  For further inquiries, please contact Ed Larenas at [email protected].
Straw Hat Pizza, 549 Oceana Boulevard, Pacifica, CA 94044
Monday, September 24, 2007, 7:30 pm
Info: Email [email protected], or (650) 291-9428