Sweet Peas photo op draws three dozen kids

By on Tue, July 18, 2006

Martha Bruce
Cassandra Rogers enjoys a ripe organic apricot from Sweet Peas in Montara

The sun drenched Montara as 51 children from 37 Coastside families gathered at Sweet Peas Organic Produce to sample fruits and veggies and have their pictures taken by renowned local photographer Martha Bruce.  The special event was co-created by Bruce and Sweet Peas owner Kerry Tate in preparation of a children’s book on good nutrition and healthy eating habits.  Children were asked to pose eating their favorite fruit or vegetable, and then photographed to capture the moment.

"Strawberries were the most requested produce item!” reports Martha,  “And while some older kids were willing to pose with rhubarb, eggplant and red onions, celery eaters were hard to come by." Parents stood nearby enjoying latte’s from Caffe Lucca, while kids posed and played in the sandbox while waiting for their turns.  The kids, in ages from 5 months to 12 years, arrived in clean white shirts and left looking like a billboard for stain removers.  Parents were given a free 5x7 for participating in the event, and a barrel of donated food was collected for the Coastside Opportunity Center’s food bank in El Granada.