Tall Tigersharks no match for Cougar Midgets

By on Tue, September 18, 2007


San Lorenzo Valley, Sept 16, 2007 Knowing fundamental tackling skills are one thing—but actually doing them in a game is another.  Neal Seaton and Manny Arellanes’ textbook offensive tackles pushed the tall Pacifica Tigershark defenders into shallow waters allowing running back Blake Kastl a 20 yard run to score early in the first quarter.  The Cougar defensive tackles and guards Austin Krieger, Matt Young, Will Smith and Sean McCaffrey thrashed the Tigershark offense with strength and speed off the line.  The Cougar Midgets closed the first quarter with a healthy 16-0 lead over Pacifica’s Tigershark Midgets. 

A series of Tigershark fumbles recovered by Cougar defensive end Jose Uribe and defensive tackles Sergio Covarrubias and Erik Procopio gave the Cougars most of the control during the 2nd quarter.  Brothers Dalton (center) and Taylor James (tight end) did a great job of pass blocking and QB protection, allowing several successful pass plays.  The final turnover allowed Offensive Coach Dave Gibbs to call a pass play where quarterback Joey Erdie threw a 15 yard pass to wide receiver Timma Cruz who smoothly completed and scored.  The Tigershark offense was completely shut down by quick Cougar defensemen Jacob Spaeth and Nate Seaton.  On a 4th and 13, Cougar Midget Head Coach Mike Seaton called on placekicker Chewy Huerta Jr. to attempt a 30 yard field goal.  Huerta’s soccer style kick sailed between the uprights, bringing the Cougar lead to 27-0 with 2:00 minutes still remaining in the first half.  Mario Kastl said "this game just gets better and better" to fellow water boy Alex Segura, both with big brothers playing for the Cougar Midgets. 

The end of the 2nd quarter and the entire 3rd and 4th quarters were filled with passing plays from both teams.  Cougar safety Joseph Lowman intercepted a pass bringing the Cougars to their 26 yard line.  A fumbled handoff allowed the Tigersharks their only touchdown late in the 4th quarter, but they failed the attempt at the extra point.  Cougar Midgets dominated the game.  Head Coach Mike Seaton should take pride in knowing his practice drills have paid off—the team has the fundamental tackling and blocking skills necessary to succeed –even when they swim with tall sharks. Final score Cougar Midgets 27, Tigersharks 6.