Thank you for supporting Special Olympics
On behalf of Special Olympics of Northern California and the Half Moon Bay Police Dept., I want to thank all of the citizens of the coastside community who came out and supported us in raising money for Special Olympics at our annual Tip a Cop night at Cameron’s restaurant. It was a fun night for all, talking with old friends, seeing Special Olympics athletes and raising money for a very special cause.
Again, it was a successful night. Although we didn’t raise as much as in prior years, we were able to raise about $12,000.
I would like to thank the Coastside Quilting Group who donated a special quilt which we raffled off. We raised $1,626 with just that raffle.
I would also like to thank all of the local merchants who donated items for our silent auction. The success of the silent auction would not have been possible without the generosity of the merchants who took time out to pick out and donate special items for our auction. Our auction is always the highlight of the night.
I would also like to thank the officers and front office staff from the HMB Police Dept., who came out and helped out that night.
I would also like to give a special thank you to Deb, Kim, Silvia, Shawn and Peg who volunteered and were a very big help with the silent auction. I couldn’t have done it without your help.
Our fundraising efforts for Special Olympics is a year long project. If you weren’t able to attend our event but would still like to make a donation, please feel free to drop off your donation at the police dept. marking it attention to me and I will make sure that it gets to the program.
Again thank you for all your support.
Officer John Sanchez