The Coastside Film Society presents two films about the problem with food

Press Release

By on Mon, February 7, 2005

There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America—a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat.  Did you know that 60% of the processed food we eat in America currently includes unregulated, artificially created, genetically modified (GM) components?

The Future Of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade.

Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, The Future Of Food examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world’s food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.

Catherine Butler, the film’s award winning producer, will be our guest leading the post screening discussion about the future of food.

The night will open with the short film Flowers in the Snow - The Health Crisis of Children in Tibet Teresa Harris and filmmaker Perry Pickert from the Terma Foundation will take audience questions.  (19 mins- starting at 7:30)

Details: Friday Feb. 11th, 2005 starting at 7:30 pm. Community Methodist Sanctuary, Half Moon Bay 777 Miramontes, Half Moon Bay. Corner of Johnston & Miramontes. $6.00 per person For more information see: