The Coastside goes back to school

By on Tue, August 30, 2005

Cheri Parr
This sign captured the spirit of the day.
Cheri Parr
Think of it as a moment of calm.
Cheri Parr
Sixth-graders adapt to the transition from elementary to middle school.
Cheri Parr
Eighth graders enjoy a year of being top dog before they become freshmen.

Like most parents, the first day of school conjures up the usual images for me: flocks of kids dressed in their coolest new back to school outfits, spit-shined and smiling. Senior students comparing schedules and greeting friends, while anxious newcomers peer from behind Mom’s leg wondering how to find their way.  I saw plenty of those Monday morning at Cunha.

But one sign of back to school was on the roadside.  My son Alex burst out laughing, pointing to the sign pictured on the right; a speed limit sign reading 45 MPH and a speed monitor reading, “Your current speed is 0 MPH.”

In reality, the drive wasn’t too bad Monday – about 25 minutes door to door from Montara to Half Moon Bay. But as my very optimistic daughter Victoria reminded me, “Seacreast isn’t even in session yet!  They don’t start until after Labor Day!.” So with hundreds of students commuting to Half Moon Bay, and gas topping $3.00/gallon, take the time to connect with friends and neighbors and carpool.  From those of us doing the driving – we thank you!

Perhaps the welcome sign at Half Moon Bay High said it best.  Welcome back to Reality!