The deadline for public comment on the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve trail plan is July 30th


By on Tue, July 20, 2010

The County is planning a 10’ feet wide, plus 2’ wide aggregate shoulders on each side, asphalt trail.  The total trail width would be 14 feet wide.

The FMR Dardenelle Trail/Coastal Trail as proposed, would be a paved road that does not invite people to enjoy and appreciate the natural setting.

Send comments before July 30, 2010 to Michael Schaller:

    Michael Schaller
    Senior Planner
    Planning and Building Department
    County of San Mateo
    phone: 650-363-1849
    fax: 650-363-4849
    email: [email protected]

The Fitzgerald Marine Reserve/Preserve is a biologically sensitive area and has regional, state, and national significance, as recognized by:

- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
- Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
- Golden Gate National Recreation Area
- Area of Special Biological Significance (ASBS)
- Central California Coast International Biosphere Reserve
- California Critical Coastal Area (CCA)

Compliance with ADA does not require the trail be wider than three to four feet, nor does ADA require an asphalt surface.

Trail Surface: The Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Master Plan (page 60) specifies:

“all trails and paths …shall be surfaced with pervious materials such as decomposed granite”.

The May, 2002 Master Plan for the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve recognized the parks remarkable natural resources, through its guiding principles:

"The fundamental concept underlying the Master Plan is that protection of the outstanding natural resources of the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve will require a new approach to management of ecological systems and visitors in future years, and that the best way to accomplish this goal is to emphasize the sensitivity of the resource, to enhance the educational value of the Reserve, to manage visitation, and to limit use of the Reserve as a recreation destination."

FMR Master Plan:

FMR California Coastside Trail - Page 60: