The Global Oneness Project, Saturday

By on Wed, July 15, 2009

On Saturday July 11, The Visionary Edge will screen The Global Oneness Project: What Would It Look Like? The event will be co-hosted by and presented at the Community United Methodist Church in Half Moon Bay. 

As the structures of modern society crumble, is it enough to respond with the same tired solutions? Or are we being called to question a set of unexamined assumptions that form the very basis of our civilization?  What if the world embodied out highest potential?  What would it look like?  The Global Oneness Project is exploring how the radically simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in our increasingly complex world.

This 73 minute collection of short films asks us to reflect on the state of the world and ourselves, and to listen more closely to how we are being called to live at this time of unprecedented global transformation. 

noun:  The fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more parts. 

Oneness is a fundamental aspect of human experience. When a mother puts the needs of her family before her own, when we recycle because we are concerned about our planet’s resources, or when we instinctively treat others as we would be treated ourselves, we are relating to life with an understanding of our interdependence and the responsibilities that come with it. 

Oneness has informed spiritual, artistic, and indigenous traditions for thousands of years. And today we are becoming conscious of oneness through sciences, like ecology and physics, and through technology. Right now, for example, as you read these words on the World Wide Web, you are participating in oneness in a way that was inconceivable just a few decades ago. In this moment you are connected to the millions of Web users all over the world—a global network of people exchanging ideas and finding common ground across different histories, nationalities, languages, interests, and lives. 

We have seen again and  again through our film subjects that when people shift their focus away from personal fulfillment towards the needs of the community – be it local or global – innovative and life-sustaining solutions are born. We see this potential reflected all around us, and we hope to encourage others to recognize and participate in this emerging awareness so we can work together to help create a world that consciously reflects the values of oneness: freedom, compassion, abundance, and respect for all life. 

The Global Oneness Project is exploring how the radically simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in our increasingly complex world. Since 2006, we have been traveling the globe gathering stories from creative and courageous people who base their lives and work on the understanding that we bear great responsibility for each other and our shared world. 

Our living library of films is available through select broadcast outlets and on DVD. Through events and educational materials we offer opportunities for people to deepen their experience with the different facets of oneness we are exploring. 

We hope that by showing the diverse ways oneness is expressed—in the fields of sustainability, conflict resolution, spirituality, art, economics, indigenous culture, and social justice—others will be inspired to create solutions to personal and community challenges from their own lived understanding of oneness. 

Says Reba Vanderpool of The Visionary Edge, " The Global Oneness Project is in alignment with our mission and purpose of   inspiring and empowering people to make the connection - that we are all one, we are in this together, and that together we can make the world a wiser, sustainable, more compassionate place for all beings.  It is a much need source of inspiration for people in these opportunity-filled times." 

The Global Oneness Project is a special project of Kalliopeia Foundation, a private grant-making foundation in northern California committed to honoring the unity at the heart of life’s rich diversity. 

Saturday, July 11th. Doors will open at 7:00pm, event begins at 7:30 at the Community United Methodist Church, 777 Miramontes Street (at Johnston), HMB. The event is free; donations will be   accepted to cover the costs of screening. Call 650-560-0200 for information and reservations.  

Located in Half Moon Bay, The Visionary Edge produces events to inform, inspire, and empower us all to create a wiser, sustainable and more compassionate world.

Running Time:  73 minutes 
