Letter: The HMB High 70’s reunion will be July 21

Letter to the editor

By on Thu, May 10, 2007



Have you heard the buzz?

We are having a reunion to end all reunions.  Because it’s not just subject to one or two classes—but rather for anyone who graduated from HMB High School in the 70’s. That’s right.  It will be that 70’s show! But all classes are welcome.

The reunion is an all weekend event, with the highlight being the big party at the IDES Hall on July 21st.  The theme is Hawaiian.  Bring your surfboard.  Join us for a Pina Colada.  Dig out your favorite Hawaiian shirt from the closet.  Let’s have some fun.

The details are numerous, so might I suggest you check out the official reunion website.  It will give you ALL the details you need for this wonderful weekend, including a complete RSVP list.  But trust me—between the luau food and the hula dancers, this is going to be spectacular.
It will also give you instructions on how to pay early—which we are encouraging—but it will be an open door policy the night of the event.

Don’t miss this one!  It’s going to be a spectacular night; one the reunion committee has been planning for years.