The otter population is stable, but still threatened

By on Wed, July 6, 2005

The otter population is holding its own, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.  Between Half Moon Bay and Santa Barbara, the population is down slightly from last year, but the more significant three-year average population is still rising.

This year, researchers counted 2,375 otters, down a little from 2,825 last year.  The count in 1983 was 1,277, according to the Chronicle.

"It’s too early to tell whether or not the decrease this year marks the beginning of a new downward trend," Hatfield said, "and it will take fresh counts next year and the year after before we know what the state of the animals really is."

The target three-year average is 3,090 for removing southern sea otters from "threatened" designation under the Endangered Species Act.