There could be snow on Skyline this week

By on Wed, February 15, 2006

The National Weather Service says that it could snow on Skyline this week, or even at lower elevations on the Coastside.

Chilly weather is expected to continue into the weekend as a cold low pressure system drops southward out of the Gulf Of Alaska and into northern California. This will bring increasing chances of showers beginning thursday night and continuing through Sunday with with snow levels down to 2000 feet…Possibly lower. Accumulating snowfall could impact higher elevation roadways across the San Francisco and Monterey Bay Area. Roadways such as Highway 29 in northern Napa County…The summit of Highway 17…And Skyline Boulevard in San Mateo County could be impacted...Especially Saturday and Saturday evening. With this unusually cold airmass in place…A few snowflakes will not be out of the question closer to sea level.

The elevation at Skyline is only about 700 feet.