Letter: Tour de California, Hwy 1 closed Monday morning


By on Thu, February 12, 2009


Remember, the Tour de California is coming through these parts next week. It’s the largest cycling event in the US, and comin’ right down highway one on Monday morning.

Here’s the timing


From the site:

The Tour de California, the largest cycling event in the United States is coming through the Coastside on Monday February 16th. The who’s who of cycling, including Lance Armstrong, Tyler Hamilton, and Californians Floyd Landis and two-time winner Levi Leipheimer will be sauntering down Highway 1.

I’ll be outside my yard cheering em on in the Monday morning rain. Should be fun. However, that means some road closures:

  - 9.15 - 10.30am Northbound Highway 1 from Higgins Purissima Road to Devils Slide
  - 9.30 - 10.30am Southbound Highway 1 from Devils Slide to Higgins Purissima Road
  - 9.35 - 10.30am Highway 1 in both directions through Half Moon Bay will be closed to traffic until the convoy has passed