Tsunami sirens to be tested

By on Wed, February 27, 2008

Two Midcoast tsunami sirens will be tested as they go online Thursday, February 28.  The sirens are located in El Granada and Princeton.  Each sirens will be tested for 15 seconds as the siren technicians from Hormann America complete the final installation process.  Hormann America could not provide a more definite time schedule for the tests.

Future siren tests will be conducted on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.  During regular monthly tests, the sirens will all sound simultaneously for 15 seconds.

The tsunami warning signal is a steady siren sound for 3 minutes.  If this should occur, residents are urged to tune their radios to the local Emergency Alert Station, KCBS 740 AM for official news and instructions.

Pacifica will also have its first two tsunami sirens connected this week with a similar 15 second installation test.  Pacifica will conduct its first regular monthly test next Wednesday, March 5 at 10:00 a.m., at which time both sirens, located at Rockaway Beach and Sharp Park, will sound for 15 seconds.

For more information, please contact the San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services at 363-4790.

Submitted by Jim Asche, Emergency Planner, San Mateo County OES.