Letter: Update your homeowner’s insurance now


By on Wed, June 18, 2008

The recent floods and fires taking place throughout the country should be a wake-up call to all homeowners to dust off their insurance policy and check out your coverage.  In most cases,  you will find that your home is underinsured.  Home prices have gone up from several years ago.  You may have done additions or renovations to your home (like new kitchen or new rooms) and forgot to tell your insurance agent.  Construction costs have also risen a lot over the past few years.  You may even have bought your wife or special person some expensive jewelry that wasn’t added to your policy.

If there’s a fire or some disaster and you haven’t updated your policy,  you are in a world of hurt.

This is pretty easy to do.  Call your agent and have them review your policy and changes you’ve done to your home. You’ll sleep a lot better knowing your biggest investment is well covered.

And if possible,  try and use one of our local agents.  They do a lot for the Coast with their support of so many causes.