Vegetarians sprout on the Coast

By on Mon, March 7, 2005

Bay Area Vegetarians ( will host two Great American Meat Out events in Pacifica this month.  The Great American Meat Out, launched in 1985, asks folks to kick the meat habit (at least for a day) and explore a wholesome, nonviolent diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

On Sunday, March 13,  Bay Area Vegetarians will host an information table to promote vegetarianism. Giveaways will include recipes, food coupons, a local guide to Bay Area restaurants, a calendar of local vegetarian social outings, such as dinner parties and camping trips and a resource list of other vegetarian and vegan web sites. The tabling event will take place from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in front of Manor Plaza’s Good Health Natural Foods on West Manor Drive.

On Saturday, March 19, you are invited to a free film screening of “The Emotional World of Farm Animals” at the Pacifica Library on 104 Hilton Way. This documentary film opens our eyes and hearts to the connection between living animals and food choices. The movie begins at 3:00 p.m. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. and complimentary refreshments will be served.  Please RSVP if you plan to join us.

The reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet are many. Reasons include personal health, compassion for animals, and environmental or social justice issues. The web has dozens of fabulous sites that, in depth, explain all the great reasons to choose a vegetarian or vegan diet. A very brief list includes:

Great American Meat Out
Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

There are three kinds of vegetarians:

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians:
People who do not eat meat of any kind (beef, pork, poultry, fish or any other type of animal or animal byproduct). Dairy products, eggs or honey may be consumed.

Lacto Vegetarians:
People who do not eat meat of any kind or eggs. Dairy products or honey may be consumed.

Vegans (pronounced vee-gun)
People who do not eat any animal products, and who avoid the use of any products made of animals or which cause animal suffering (fur, leather, wool, silk, etc.).

Choosing a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle does not need to happen overnight.  We are here to support people who are gradually transitioning towards a vegetarian diet as well as supporting people who make the switch immediately. 

Bay Area Vegetarians is a Bay Area wide group for vegans, vegetarians, vegetarian inclined and interested people to find community & support with like-minded folks. Our goal is to support and encourage the local veg*n and animal rights community through our online bulletin board and mailing lists, and planned monthly events. In the community spirit, all of our events are organized by volunteers, and membership is free. We have many events each month all over the Bay. You do not have to be vegetarian to join or participate in our events.

We are hosting and upcoming vegan beach retreat May 20-22 at Half Moon Bay State Beach. It’s a perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded folks and experience delicious plant-based foods; prepared and cooked fresh in camp.

Bay Area Vegetarians offers:

-several dinner outings per month all around the Bay Area
-frequent social events including potlucks, picnics and camping trips
-a veggie mentor program (it’s free, but internet access is required)
-The Ultimate Guide for Vegetarian Restaurants locally and Bay Area
-online discussion/forum to learn, connect with others

For all the details on Bay Area Vegetarian events and links to other vegetarian and vegan resources, visit our website at

For a free vegetarian starter kit, visit or call 1-888-VEG-FOOD

Hope to see you at our Meat Out events or other upcoming events.