Video: Fingerpuppets ‘Josephine’ at Fogfest 2010


By on Sat, February 12, 2011

Here's a link to a new music video from Coastside Video:

Fingerpuppets perform 'Josephine' at Fogfest 2010

Fingerpuppets 'Josephine' Fogfest 2010 music video title page

The video includes a short montage from the 2010 Fogfest parade in Pacifica and a pretty big fingerpuppet.

The Fingerpuppets will be performing on Saturday 2/12/11 from 10:30pm to 1:30am at Cheers in the Linda Mar shopping center in Pacifica.  The show will open with ‘Ian Butler & the midlife crisis ensemble’ at 9:30pm.  It’s free.