Video: Green building trail blazers

By on Tue, July 8, 2008

Neil Merrilees’s excellent series is reproduced with permission from Montara Fog.

The greatest resource we have on the coastside is the quality of our residents. This video highlights locals who are experimenting with green technology, at their own expense, in order to find a way to live more sustainably. Some of these experiments will be successful and become mainstream practices. Some may prove too expensive and need revision. These community members are blazing the trail and making it easier for the rest of us to learn from their experiences.

There are many more of us out there who are concerned with saving energy. If you are interested in learning more about green building or are interested in sharing your own experiences—whether successes or failures—contact Darin at Montara Fog—and he will forward the e-mails to me.

Introduction by Neil Merrilees


LED Lighting with Patrick Melley


Residential Gray Water Recycling with Andy Geiser


AND MORE: There are four more videos in this series. Click below to watch them all.


Commercial Rainwater Catchment with Ken and Sally Coverdell


Solar Panels with T.J. Glauthier


Solar Panels with Pat Murphy


Neil’s Wrap-up